Privacy Policy

Last updated: March 30, 2020

1. How we use and protect what we collect

In general, we use the personal information we collect for four things:

We don’t rent, sell, or share the personal information we collect with other people or non-affiliated companies, except:

If you provide us with payment information for something you buy from us, in which case we submit your payment information to a third party payment processor (required by credit card issuers to meet specific security requirements) which collects, stores, and processes your credit card and other payment information on our behalf using industry-standard security measures. If disclosure is reasonably necessary to investigate, or prevent, illegal action, If disclosure is necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims, or to enforce the Fortnight Terms of Service (if any),

If you specifically request we share the Personal Information you have provided, or If Fortnight merges or is acquired by another company. When reasonable, we will make reasonable efforts to notify of such disclosure before it happens.

We protect your information by requiring the employees who have access to the personal information to treat it as confidential. They will never share it with anyone or use it for a purpose we have not authorised.

Our servers are in the United Kingdom, so if you're visiting the Fortnight site from outside of the United Kingdom, you're sending Personal Information to the United Kingdom, with all that entails. That information, including Personal Information, may be transmitted within the United Kingdom or to other countries outside your country of residence. These countries may not have privacy and data protection laws as comprehensive as those in your country of residence. Your Personal Information, however, will at all times remain governed by this Privacy Policy.

2. What we collect and when we collect it

We know and store three types of things:

First, there’s the stuff you send us using the contact forms on our sites — your name, your email address, and whatever else you choose.

Then there’s payment information that you send us if you buy something from us (which, by the way, we really think you should, because we’ve got good stuff). That would be things like your billing address, your shipping address, and your payment information, including credit card number, security code and expiration date. Now, just because we collect your payment information doesn't mean we store it, because, frankly, we’ve got other things to do. We simply submit it to a third-party payment processor, who are required by credit card issuers to meet specific security requirements. They in turn store and processes your payment information on our behalf using industry-standard security measures.

Finally there are the things your computer and browser tell us (your IP address, software and hardware attributes, the pages you request, and information from our cookie).

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing, to identify that browser during interaction on websites. Cookies may be used to store things like identifiers and user preferences. A website may set a cookie to the browser if the browser's preferences allow it. If you don’t want Fortnight to use cookies you may change your browser settings to prevent receiving them.

3. Your rights regarding your personal information

You have the right to see the personal information you’ve provided to us, and to request we delete it from our database within a reasonable time.

Generally our website is safe for children but we want you to know that our websites are not intended for children under the age of 13, and we do not collect, use or disclose personal information from children.

If you want to talk to us about this privacy policy, please email us at

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